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By Shawn Manderscheid

As a licensed Real Estate Professional for 25+ years, consistently performing in the Top 1% of Houston Realtors, Shawn is truly a treasure in the real estate field.

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As you look ahead, you may be considering selling your property, possibly in the next 6 to 12 months. The key question is, what tasks should we tackle now versus leaving them to the last minute? Procrastination is rarely a good idea in this scenario. Today, we’ll discuss the distinction between tasks that can be completed well in advance and those better suited for a last-minute approach, such as cleaning windows, tending to multiple fireplaces, or adding seasonal flowers.

Certain tasks are ideal for last-minute attention, while others benefit from early action. For instance, landscaping plays a pivotal role in your property’s appeal. If you’ve had issues like dead trees and shrubs, it’s wise to address them during a non-winter period. This way, you can rejuvenate your landscape well in advance and save yourself from a rushed transformation closer to listing time.

Landscaping isn’t the only concern; your property’s first impression starts at the front door. Ensure that your front porch is in good shape, with a freshly stained or painted front door. First impressions are crucial to potential buyers, and they start forming opinions as soon as they approach the property. Take care of any long-standing gutter problems and address maintenance issues like AC leaks or plumbing concerns now rather than later.

“Pick between power washing and painting.”

If painting is on your to-do list, evaluate whether a thorough power wash could suffice for the exterior or if a fresh coat of paint is necessary. By discerning between the two, you can ensure your property looks its best without unnecessary work or expenses.

As for last-minute preparations, focus on cleaning windows, refreshing the interior, and adding fresh mulch to flower beds. Delayed projects, like tackling a room filled with storage items, should be resolved before the final stretch. Declutter your garage, eliminating items you no longer need to simplify the process later when you’re making decisions indoors. Lastly, inspect your interior walls. Identifying projects that won’t require attention again next year allows you to plan and act now. 

If you’re uncertain about the tasks ahead, consider consulting a professional to help you create a clear plan. It’s never too early to start prioritizing tasks and distinguishing between those to tackle now versus later. We hope this guidance helps you prepare your property for a successful sale. Call or email us with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

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